About Us

With over 25 years of architectural experience, Visuelse has developed an efficient system in which its proprietary software, 3D SiteViewer, enables clarity and cost-effective design from the outset between designer, investor and contractor, and its real implementation on time.

There are no hidden costs, no unnecessary time-consuming meetings, because we provide up-to-date insights to the fit-out project participants from anywhere, at any time.

Our HO is located in the Castle District of Budapest, but we are present in several European countries. In the last years mainly Romania, Serbia, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Austria.

In addition to construction, we also act as consultants to our clients: while understanding the task and during the bidding process, we use our expertise to make recommendations to our clients that will help them save time and money while increasing quality. Whatever the workflow, our clients are truly at the centre of everything we do. There are no misunderstandings. We work hand in hand, the flow of information through the process is tailored to the needs of the client and the workflow and maintained throughout the entire length of our projects.

We approach each assignment individually. If necessary, we develop new technologies. Our 3D laser & modelling technology is developed specifically for construction needs, allows us to pinpoint points to be created on the basis of the construction plans – whether they are walls, electrical or ventilation points – with millimetre precision.

We are a 100% privately owned company and have never designed for the short term. We don’t make deals, we create real value when our work is done. That is why we have had so many returning clients for years.


Szilveszter Fehér

Managing director

János_portré_négyzetes (1)

János Albert

Technical director


Orsolya Mátéfy

Project Manager
